Ten years ago today, Adrian made the single most important decision of his life....he enlisted into the United States Marine Corps (insert OOH-RAH here!). When I think back to that day, all I can remember is how much I wanted to kill Brian Barcus (the friend who convinced him to join) and how sad I was to say good bye and let him leave me (little did I know, that would soon become a way of life!!). We got married when he was home on leave from boot camp (he promptly left me on our wedding night to go back to California!), and that's when the reality of being married to the military and moving away from my family finally hit me. All I could think of is "What the @#$% have
you gotten
me into??" Let's just say, it took awhile for me to adjust to my new life!
But now, all these years and duty stations later, I
LOVE our life!! Adrian is a fabulous husband, loving father and an incredible provider and our hearts are overflowing with pride. To many, the life we lead is a meager one, but to us, we feel truly blessed. We have 2 healthy, happy, well-adjusted children and the two of us are still just as crazy about each other as ever.
Congratulations Adrian........you're half way there, baby!!
Congratulations to Adrian and the entire Lopez fam! It is a HUGE milestone!
Congratulations Adrian! You guys are awesome and it is so evident how much you two love each other. Your lives are rich in many ways.
Don't know how I missed this and it's 4 days old! CONGRATS to you both..........especially since the WIFE has the hardest job in the corps (insert OOH-RAH!!) lol Here's to 10 more fabulous years - we're right along with you guys! :)
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