Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sticky and Sweet!!

Almost every year, the kids put together a gingerbread house....and these easy-to-assemble kits are awesome!! It's so easy that they really didn't need my help, so I was able to sit back and snap some really cute pictures.

While I think more icing and candy went into their mouths rather than on the house, the outcome was super cute....and they had so much fun!!

Mason's side

Reagan's side

During the house making festivities, Adrian was DJing on the computer, so the kids totally had to stop and bust a move (and hopefully burn off some of that sugar!).

Doing the TWIST!!

Check out Reagan's shirt....hehe!!

1 comment:

Ellis Family said...

LOVE IT! Your kids are the cutest! Reagan's shirt is the BEST! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!