Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wii Bowling Tournament

This morning we awoke to discover that we could not get a satellite signal. Turns out, the receiver died sometime during the middle of the night. So I call Dish Network and they tell me it will be between 3-5 days before we could get a replacement. Geez! As a side note, the receiver that controlls both Mason's and Reagan's T.V.'s was working just fine, so we could have watched the tele in one of their rooms, but I have to say........watching T.V. on a 13" Princess television just can't compete with watching it on a 46" LCD!!

Any who, our day was occupied with this and that, but by nightfall, we were bored to tears!! That's when a super awesome idea hit me.....we could have a bowling tournament. And thanks to the Wii, we could do it from the comfort of our living room!! We had so much fun bowling and acting silly together! It was stiff competition, but I walked away winner both times (photographic proof below....hehe!!).
Proof of my awesomeness!
After we tired of bowling, we played a few rounds of tennis, NONE of which I won (I can play in real life, but I seriously stink at Wii tennis!). We lead such a busy life between work, school, PTA, sports and Scouts, that hanging out together, without having to rush here or there, was just what we needed. It was so much fun, that I think we will make it a regular thing!

Good game!!

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